The Eye Movie Trailer - Interesting News Around The World...

Friday, January 11, 2008

The Eye Movie Trailer

The Eye Movie Trailer

In horror, horses and children see all and know all. Like arthritic knees hurting two days before a rain, they sense that the dead walk, or that spirits are nearby, or that a young woman’s transplanted eyes have given her an unobstructed view of the paranormal underworld. Apparently this happens at least some of the time in The Eye, the Jessica Alba vehicle that’s also a remake of the 2002 Hong Kong cinema chiller of the same name (Jian gui). We have a feeling the original was scarier than Jessica’s.

Then again, Parker Posey is in the remake, and whenever she goes mainstream (Blade: Trinity), the results can be kind of awesome. Plus, Alessandro Nivola plays Jessica’s doctor, and he’s always awesome. So maybe there’s something to this remake. Then again, maybe it’s another Hollywood remake of an Asian Cinema horror classic that lights the world in inky gray-green and does everything wrong but the close-ups of its comely centerpiece. See the 2006 Kristen Bell vehicle Pulse for reference. — Johnny Loftus.

For The Eye Movie Trailer, click here.

To check out some of the nice The Eye Movie wallpapers, go here.

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