Digital Billboards To Broadcast Iowa Caucus Results - Interesting News Around The World...

Friday, January 04, 2008

Digital Billboards To Broadcast Iowa Caucus Results

As numerous writers have noted, Iowa polling data doesn't tell us much of anything because of the complexities of the variables involved. Iowadigitalbillboards

So the best "poll" to watch this evening would be the actual caucus results, which will be broadcast live online and on digital billboards in Iowa.

"We expect the bulk of the results to be in by 9.30 pm to 10 ," says Chris Allen, the Iowa Democratic Party's press secretary. (A Republican party representative couldn't be reached at the time of this posting.)

Both the Iowa Democratic party and the Republican Party of Iowa have partnered with Google to broadcast the phoned-in results visually online via Google Maps. It looks as if the Democrats' site will report the phoned-in results of its precincts live online, while the Republicans will report aggregated county results.

All this means that instead of watching the yammering pundits on television all evening, you could just check in online -- after all now you have the same access to the real-time data as the press does.

But if you feel that you must check in with some of the bloviators, and that you'd like a different take from CNN and Fox News, you could check in online with lefty bloggers and others who will be reporting in from Iowa at Air America's The Young Turks show.

I'm still looking for conservative bloggers at large in Iowa. Please feel free to e-mail me, or share your plans with our readers in the comments section below if you're a conservative blogger planning on reporting from the scene.
