Blackberry 9000 Coming Soon? - Interesting News Around The World...

Sunday, January 06, 2008

Blackberry 9000 Coming Soon?

Blackberry is to unveil new series? Read the report from David George-Cosh Technology.

BlackBerry 9000 series details slowly emerging
Posted: January 03, 2008, 11:23 AM by David George-Cosh Technology

While Research In Motion Ltd. remains mum on any and all future products, that silence isn't shared around the Web as details of new BlackBerry models have begun to emerge.

Members from the BlackBerry Forums have unearthed a prototype 9000 series device being sold on eBay (the auction page has been taken down, but the images can be found here).

The new BlackBerry 9000 model appears to be slimmer, features a chrome-aluminum backing and an external microSD slot but is not equipped with any touchscreen functionality.

According to a user on the message board who has seen the new device, the model will also be 3G-ready and able to send HTML e-mails. Although most overheating issues have been fixed, the user says, the device still runs warm.

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